In an era defined by data privacy concerns, evolving consumer behaviors, and the ongoing deprecation of third-party cookies, enterprises face a pressing need to prioritize first-party data as a ...
Which marketing channels and tactics are driving the best results for US small businesses in 2024? What are the biggest marketing trends for small businesses this year? To find out, SimpleTexting ...
Does a logo need to get overhauled every so often to show the brand has a fresh identity? Or should it stay mostly the same to maintain consistency? The answer seems to be that it depends on the brand ...
In 1933, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a product to sell. It was a collection of programs and financial reforms known as the New Deal, which Roosevelt believed could help to catapult the ...
How can you make your brand's Twitter presence more impactful? An infographic (below) from TrackMyHashtag, which was based on this post, looks at strategies for boosting your Twitter marketing.
What makes B2B ads effective on LinkedIn? Do the drivers of ad effectiveness change based on campaign goals? To find out, researchers at MAGNA and LinkedIn ran a series of experiments in which ...
The newly released 11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report features how content marketers in North America have been adapting to conditions that the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Most people are OK with social media influencers' promoting products—as long as the influencers actually use those products, according to recent research from The report was based on ...
Global advertising spend is on course to rise by 8.3% in 2022, but is forecast to slow significantly and increase by only 2.6% in 2023, according to recent research from WARC. The projections were ...
Which social media marketing trends will be big deals in 2022? To find out, Hootsuite surveyed 18,100 marketers around the world, spoke with industry leaders, and examined third-party data. An ...
Would you like to boost the effectiveness of your social media marketing while also increasing employee satisfaction and attracting more talent? If so, you may want to consider an employee advocacy ...
Linking is the foundation of every quality website. Everything starts with the link. You build from the link, not from the sentence. Read the following paragraph and try to identify how it should be ...